The CIETAC has one honorary Chairman and a number of advisers.
The CIETAC consists of one Chairman, a number of Vice-Chairmen and Members. The Chairman performs the functions and duties vested in him/her by the CIETAC Arbitration Rules. The Vice-Chairmen may perform the Chairman’s functions and duties with the Chairman’s authorization.
The CIETAC’s headquarters and each of its sub-commissions have their own Secretariat to handle daily affairs under the leadership of their respective Secretary-General. The CIETAC’s headquarters and its Sub-Commissions together form one institution.
There are three specialized committees within the CIETAC. The Expert Consultation Committee serves as an advisory body responsible for research on complicated matters of both arbitration procedures and substantive legal issues and providing advisory opinions thereon, as well as revision of arbitration rules and the training of the CIETAC’s arbitrators.
The Case Edition Committee compiles and edits the CIETAC’s arbitral awards of concluded cases and publishes yearbooks.
The Arbitrator Qualification Review Committee examines and reviews the qualifications and performance of the CIETAC’s arbitrators, and makes suggestions regarding the renewal of the assignment of each arbitrator as per the relevant provisions of the arbitration law and the CIETAC arbitration rules.